Last Update 11/02/2022
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Birds of Curacao - a film by Carmabi
Birds of Curacao - a film by Carmabi

The movie 'Birds of Curacao' is a beautiful movie about the rich birdlife, specifically the water birds of the Caribbean island Curacao. Whether you are an enthusiastic bird spotter, tourist, nature lover, mountainbiker or just like to get to know the bird names that go with their sounds in your garden; this movie is worth watching. The movie is in English with Papiamentu subtitles.

The position of Curacao in the Caribbean makes our bird world very interesting. There are sea birds (frigate birds, terns, seagulls), but also birds that can travel long distances and settled on almost all the islands (herons, mocking bird, troupial and fly catchers) Because we are close to the coast of South America, we also have typical land birds (quails, white tailed hawks and bare-eyed pigeons). Besides the birds named before, we also have the typical colorful 'tropical/ Caribbean' birds such as the hummingbird, parrots and parakeets. Also birds who travel on the large routes from North to South America are regular visitors of the island.

Birds of Curacao - a film by Carmabi
Birds of Curacao - a film by Carmabi

The movie 'Birds of Curacao' is a beautiful movie about the rich birdlife, specifically the water birds of the Caribbean island Curacao. Whether you are an enthusiastic bird spotter, tourist, nature lover, mountainbiker or just like to get to know the bird names that go with their sounds in your garden; this movie is worth watching. The movie is in English with Papiamentu subtitles.

The position of Curacao in the Caribbean makes our bird world very interesting. There are sea birds (frigate birds, terns, seagulls), but also birds that can travel long distances and settled on almost all the islands (herons, mocking bird, troupial and fly catchers) Because we are close to the coast of South America, we also have typical land birds (quails, white tailed hawks and bare-eyed pigeons). Besides the birds named before, we also have the typical colorful 'tropical/ Caribbean' birds such as the hummingbird, parrots and parakeets. Also birds who travel on the large routes from North to South America are regular visitors of the island.

Uniek Curacao - Kiko Sargassum ta?
Uniek Curacao - Kiko Sargassum ta?

PAP: Esaki ta un video ku ta duna mas informashon tokante di sargassum na Korsou.

ENG: This is an informational video on the topic of sargassum seaweed on Curaçao.

NL: Deze video geeft uitleg over sargassum zeewier dat de baaien van Curacao binnenkomt.

Marine biologist: Javier Diaz - Stichting Uniek Curacao (

Video + edit: Shylverste Davelaar (

Drone footage: Kevyn Cazaux (

Mas informashon / more information / meer informatie:
Stichting Uniek Curacao

Corals' Curious Symbiont
Corals' Curious Symbiont

A second, mysterious microbe has been found living inside corals worldwide. Scientists are beginning to reveal its unusual features and its evolutionary link to deadly parasites that cause diseases like malaria.

Link to full paper: (free read-only version)

Preprint version on BioRxiv:

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